Person Do Thing
Person Do Thing is a light, friendly party game for 2+ players that's similar in energy to Charades or Fishbowl.
The goal is to get your friends to guess a concept... but you can only say 35 very simple words (like Person, Do and Thing).
For example, the speaker might say: “person want go place, person go in thing, thing go fast” to describe the concept car.
Many Person Say Person Do Thing Good.....

Person Do Thing is now available for preorder (in US only). Games will ship once available, target Fall 2025. Get special perks & pricing & support the game by ordering below:
Person Do Thing Preorder: $22 $18
Person Do Thing tabletop game: say no big thing, make other person think good.NOTE: this is a preorder and will ship once the game available, target Fall 2025.US only, postage included.
Person Do Thing
Bonus Tier : $25
Person Do Thing tabletop game PLUS alternative themes for extended gameplay.NOTE: this is a preorder and will ship once the game is available, target Fall 2025.US only, postage included.
More Person Say Thing More Good:

Person Do Thing Supporter Tier: $60
Person Do Thing deck, PLUS:- alt themes for extended gameplay,
- 6 personalized Yes-Thing cards with content of your choice
- our eternal gratitude for supporting the game.NOTE: this is a preorder and will ship once the game is available, target of Fall 2025. US only, postage included. Personalized card content subject to publisher discretion.
Person Do Thing
Legend Tier: $180
Two Person Do Thing decks, PLUS:- alt themes for extended gameplay,
- 12 personalized Yes-Thing cards with content of your choice
- our eternal gratitude for supporting the game
- a 1hr+ online play session with the game creator.NOTE: this is a preorder and will ship once the game is available, target of Fall 2025. US only, postage included. Personalized card content subject to publisher discretion. Potential for play session in person by arrangement, subject to availability.